One image adaptive filtering is realized by taking coherent ratio threshold as the condition of ending the sparse decomposition process. 以相干比阈值作为提取图像有用信息的结束条件,实现图像与噪声的自适应分离。
Therefore, these parameters 'coherent relationships are found by doing regression analysis to those parameters and their coherent condition factors; 为此,通过实时监控识别的参数及相关条件因素,借助有关的已确定的理论,对其进行回归分析,找出它们的相关关系。
By using the normal-ordering technique in the generalized two-mode optical system, we obtain a solution for the system which evolves from a two-mode coherent state, and discuss the periodic condition for the solution. 在广义双模系统中利用正规有序法得到了由双模相干态演化而来的的解,并讨论了该解的周期条件。
In this paper we report an experiment of concentric coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering ( OARS) and coherent Stokes Raman scattering ( CSRS) achieved in the dispersive medium calcite crystal under certain properly designed condition. 本文报道在一定的设计条件下得到的色散介质方解石晶体中的共心CARS和CSRS的实验。
The properties of state evolution of the atom, field, and atom-field system in the system of two two-level atoms inside a phase-damping cavity interaction with a coherent field under the condition of large detuning are investigated by using the distance between density operators. 在大失谐条件下,运用密度算符间距研究了一位于相位损耗腔中两个二能级原子与相干光场相互作用系统中原子、光场及系统各量子态随时间的演化规律。
In this paper, based on vector of light wave We discuss the one of coherent condition 本文从光波的矢量性角度,讨论光波的相干条件之一:有相同的振动方向这一条件并不严格、不全面.光的相干条件
Giving emphasis to seismic reflection waveforms, seismic coherent analysis technology aimed at making a determination of lateral lithologic variation for subsurface reservoir. Its synthetic condition is that waveforms between traces must be similar when event is continuity and lateral geologic and geophysical parameters have not significant changes. 地震相干分析技术侧重于地震反射波形,目的是确定地下储层的横向岩性变化,其假设条件是地层连续、横向上地质与地球物理参数变化不大、道与道之间的波形应相似。
The existence of amplitude-squared squeezing of leading-terms coherent states is proved and the existing condition is given, which provides important proof and complement for understanding of the non-classical characteristics of leading-terms coherent states. 证明了领头项相干态振幅平方压缩的存在,并给出了存在的条件,为进一步认识领头项相干态具有的非经典特性提供了重要的补充和证明。
When R is left and right Π coherent ring, a sufficient condition which every f. g. reflexive module is projective is given. 当r是左右∏凝聚环时,给出每个f.g.自反模是投射模的一个充分条件。
By analyzing, the stress of teeth-root is higher, it is coherent with the actual crack condition. 通过分析发现,齿根处和轴肩过渡处应力值很高,这与实际应用过程中经常发生断裂的情况是一致的。
At the same time, the disturbance of the irregular noise does not always destroy the order of the system. Contrary, it can play a constructive role, producing the coherent motion, and enhancing the degree of order in a nonlinear system under the proper condition. 同时,这种无规的噪声干扰并不总是对宏观的秩序起消极破坏作用,在一定的条件下,它在产生相干运动和建立序上起着十分积极的作用。
Based on the Toeplitz structure of UAL mutual coupling matrix, DOA of coherent signal in mutual coupling condition is investigated. 基于均匀线阵互耦矩阵的Toeplitz结构,研究了互耦误差下的相干信号DOA估计。
Strong correlation or Coherent signal often cause correlative matrix is close to singular, means has a bad condition. 强相关或相干信号常会导致相关矩阵接近奇异,即具有坏条件数。